Mazda Restoration

Steve started using Mister Glue on a restoration project a while back and below is a link to a video where he talks about the product and some of its uses.

I've been using Mister Glue for rubber repair on a car restoration project.

I've got a YouTube series on the car project. I've pasted a link below where
I first mention your product and have a small bit about it. I have another
episode about restoring old (Unobtainable) cracked rubber heating duct
where I really go into how awesome Miter Glue is. We just filmed it but it
probably won't air for a year or so (we're that far behind in the editing
booth) but will give you a shout with a link when it gets posted.


Thought you might like to know.
Thanks for everything

Watch the video here below:

Buy Now!!

#misterglue #mazda

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