Household Fixes

All The Things That You Can Fix in Your Household

If you have children then you will need glue.  Not everything can be repaired but around the home, with children, the things that can need fixing can be endless.  Even without some way to repair all the things that just wear out or break, with children, it can sometimes be a little mind numbing. Sometimes, when a favourite toy breaks(or gets broken) there is no consolation in a new one.  And this may not be a habit that you want to install in your child, ‘It broke, Daddy, buy me a new one, right now!”  And some things in life just can’t be fixed, we all have to learn that one as well.The last thing you want to do is constantly tell your children ‘don’t touch’ or ‘stop’.  And it is pretty much impossible to make your home 100% ‘child proof’.

The Helpful Child!

Your 4-5 year old daughter wants to help by filling your favourite coffee mug(that you have had for 20 years) with something to drink but it comes to you minus the handle.  Getting angry at your child or getting in a funk won’t put the handle back on but Mister Glue will. 

Why Don’t I Hear the Children Playing??

You are visiting your sister and things are very quiet for far too long so you go looking for your toddler.  You find her in the bedroom with jewelry all over her and the floor.  No idea how a five year old could have gotten into the locked cabinet!  Hire her out to a security firm.  The tangled jewelry can be untangled.  The earring backs and stones that have been removed can be mended with Mister Glue.

Encouraging the Young Artist

The weekend spent with your 12 year old nephew teaching him wood carving. I’ve never met a kid that age that would listen when told to work on something simple first then go to more complicated.  Come to think of it, that goes for most boys just about any age. Including me! So, your nephew decides that he loves horses so he should carve out the legs and tail as on his favourite Arabian from the movie The Black Stallion.  (Every 12 year old should watch this movie!)You patiently work with him over several days or a couple of weekends. And he is getting there, doing quite well.  But he is not satisfied with one of the legs and carves it too close.  Now you are stuck with a three legged horse!  Or are you?  Take some sawdust the same colour as the wood carving and sprinkle it on in such a way to hold the two pieces together add a drop or two of Mister Glue and you can re-attach the broken leg.  You may have to do a couple of layers and/or turn it over and work the other side but with some gentle sanding afterwards, all should be good again.  You could even use this technique to add a tiny extra length to the short leg to give balance.  Disaster averted!

Gardening Tools in the Pool

The little ones are playing in the backyard play pool.  You are keeping an eye and even though you have supplied soft toys so no holes get poked in the blown up air section or the bottom.  Somehow one of the kids illegally imports a sharp gardening tool. Voila, you have a bunch of panicky kids as the air and water pour out of the pool.  Don’t fret.  Get your bottle of Mister Glue and any two pieces of vinyl patching material.  Dry off the surfaces and patch both sides of the hole(or holes).  Hold tightly for about 20 seconds for the bond to be sure and then give it a few minutes before refilling. I’m sure if someone uses the hose as a spray this will keep the kids quite well occupied for the few minutes it will take to find the glue and do the repair.

Don’t Sit on That Chair!

A loose spindle or leg on a kitchen chair when company is coming doesn’t need to be an unfixable emergency.  This one can be a pretty quick fix without having to dismantle the chair.  If the leg or spindle is loose but still a tight fit, just turn it in such a way the the glue is drawn in by gravity.  Add a couple of drops of Mister Glue.  It will wick in and within a few seconds the chair should be solid again. If there is a bit of a gap you will have to use a filler with Mister Glue as on its own it will not do the job. If there is very little space, use some baking soda as a filler.  If there is enough room, use some sawdust.Tap in whatever you are using until packed fairly tight.  Then add a few drops of Mister Glue.  It will go hard very quickly.  No more loose chair legs. 

Everything is Made of Plastic

Cheap Cheap.  Toys would often be way too expensive if they were made of metal or wood.  Plastic toys are cheap but often difficult to repair.  Mister Glue will repair most and with the more difficult ones, you can add in the Accelerator.  Please check the directions on how to use both together.Refrigerators can be packed enough without loosing a shelf to a crack or break.  Often tough to find replacements.  Use Mister Glue with a filler to permanently repair.  There are instructions on this elsewhere on this website.All kinds of other plastics in the kitchen, the weather stripping of the refrigerator or microwave, the plastic handle of the microwave, plastic fixtures… and we haven’t even touch upon PVC!!All your plastic plumbing pipe(PVC) can be easily and instantly repaired with Mister Glue.  You can glue two pieces end to end and they will not come apart for anything.  To test this I have glued two pieces of white PVC pipe together and let them set for a couple of hours.  Tight fit remember.  Then taken a hammer and smashed it - every time I did this it would break somewhere else than where is was repair.  We have used fillers on a hole in a pipe and added a few drops of Mister Glue and it stayed sealed even when the pressure of the water was coming through. There are some things that you might not want to repair around the house as they will look repaired and there is often nothing much you can do about that.  But if you need something fixed around your household, don't hesitate to try Mister Glue first. Have fun!!

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